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Bluesky International Limited fully recognises the potential environmental impact of its operation. We believe that Bluesky has a responsibility to account for any environmental impact it may cause.
Our aim is to achieve continuous improvement in our environmental management and performance to reduce pollution and to encourage and guide all Bluesky staff towards developing a more sustainable business.
ISO 14001 Registered
Bluesky International Limited is a ISO14001:2015 registered company which allows organisations to demonstrate to stakeholders and customers that the business is committed to reducing its environmental impact, as well as reducing costs associated with waste management.
CO² Emissions
One of our main environmental impacts comes in the form of carbon emissions from the use of aircraft for the capture of remotely sensed products.
In order to offset the CO² emissions Bluesky are working with www.climatecare.org, an organisation that helps to calculate the emissions and then accepts a cash sum per tonne of emitted CO². This is then invested in a range of projects aimed at avoiding, reducing or absorbing greenhouse gases.
The projects come in the form of:
- Renewable Energy - Cutting out the need for fossil fuels
- Energy Efficiency - Using less energy to do the same work
- Forest Restoration - Absorbing and storing CO² as the trees grow
As is the case for most businesses Bluesky has a fairly high consumption of paper both for general office use and from our specialised printing department.
In order to ensure as little waste as possible is generated we have a "think before you print" policy and, in addition, every department has a set of recycling bins that cater for many types of paper and cardboard.
Plastics and metals are also recycled. The bins are collected weekly by a local charity dedicated to maximising recycled waste.
Bluesky is committed to:
- Complying with the law and regulatory requirements as a minimum
- Promoting recycling and the use of recycled materials
- Minimising waste and the use of resources across the business, wherever possible
- Measuring the most significant environmental impacts of the business and, where reasonable, setting realistic targets for improvement
- Ensuring that the implications for the environment are taken into consideration with business decisions
- Encouraging employees to be aware of their own environmental responsibilities at work
- Encouraging business partners to operate in an environmentally responsible manner and, where appropriate, making this a condition of any business partnership
- Monitoring progress and reporting annually on environmental performance